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Make a Donation


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Checks and Money Orders

Make payable to:  Summer-Lee For Hawaii

Mail to:  91-1451 Keahumoa Pkwy Unit 906 Ewa Beach, HI. 96706

Your support is crucial to our mission of bringing positive change to our community. By donating to Summer-Lee's campaign for Hawaii State House, District 42, you are investing in a vision of progress, inclusivity, and sustainability.

Why Your Contribution Matters

Empower the Community

Help us amplify the voices of District 42, ensuring every resident is heard and represented.

Promote Sustainable Policies

Support initiatives that protect our environment and promote sustainable living for future generations.


Strengthen Local Economy

Contribute to policies aimed at boosting local businesses and creating job opportunities.

Improve Education and Healthcare

Fund efforts to enhance our education system and provide better healthcare services for all.

How You Can Make a Difference
Small donations add up and every dollar counts. Whether it’s $5 or $500, your contribution helps us reach more voters and spread our message.

Monthly Giving

Consider setting up a monthly donation to provide consistent support throughout the campaign.

Fundraising Goals 

Help us reach our fundraising milestones and keep our campaign momentum strong.

Donate Today
Click the button below to make a secure online donation. Together, we can create the change we want to see in District 42.

Other Ways to Support


Join our team of dedicated volunteers and help us canvass, phone bank, and spread the word.

Spread the Word

Follow us on social media and share our campaign with your friends and family.

Attend Events

Participate in our campaign events and meet Summer-Lee and the team.

Thank you for your generosity and commitment to a better future for District 42. Your support is the foundation of our success.

Contact Us
For questions about donations or other ways to get involved, please contact us at or call (808) 387-1098.

Together, We Can Make a Difference!

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Fern leaf
Fern leaf
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